6 Self Care Tips In The Wake of Tragedy

By Shanice Brim

These past few days have felt unreal. The amount of news coming in from mourning families, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc has been dizzying. It’s been so hard to maintain this week. Let alone to attempt to figure out where we go from here. It’s always important for Black people to take care of their mental health. It’s always important for us to practice self-care. But in moments like these it’s that much more necessary. The stress we hold within us on a day to day basis is lethal and we have got to take care of ourselves. Here’s a list of ways to decompress.

1. Seek out healing spaces, rallies, or vigils.

Yesterday, I was able to attend the rally and march for the lives of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. Being able to get my frustrations, fear, and sadness out has taken such a load off me. If you can not attend a rally, protest, or march then seek out healing spaces in your area.


Beatbox Botanicals and Harriet’s Apothecary are hosting a healing village in Brooklyn on July 16th and 17th and there are also events in L.A.



2. Take a moment to breath. If you have never tried meditation before there are apps that can teach you how to do it.

Stop, Breathe, Think is an app from a non-profit called Tools For Peace. It also offer guided meditations. It’ll teach you how to meditate and offers different meditations for different moods. It’s also really great because it recognizes that not everyone falls into the gender binary so there’s an option to identify yourself as neither male nor female.

Headspace has 10 free lessons in meditations. I learned how to meditate through this app. It’s very helpful


3. Color.

I’ve always been a firm believer in the powers of coloring. Now that adult coloring books are a thing I have been getting my life. Coloring makes me feel so calm. It allows me to focus on something other than what’s bothering me as well enjoy the beauty of my creating. My favorite so far is this natural hair coloring book.



4. Go offline.

It’s easy to get sucked into the endless news cycle and barrage Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook posts. However, it can get really depressing and hopeless. It’s important to be informed but it’s also important to set time aside to check out. Go offline an hour or more. Don’t check your phone, your laptop, or the news. Do something you feel is relaxing or rewarding instead.

5. Spend time with someone.

Check in with your family and friends. Express your feelings with one another. Comfort one another. Love up on one another. Do something you both enjoy together. These are times when we need each other the most. Let the people you love know how you feel. Soak up every moment you can. Make new happy memories.



6. Watch Your Favorite Black Films or Shows. Celebrate Black Music.

Now’s as good a time as any to watch The Wood, Soul Food, The Best Man, A Different World, Girlfriends, or any other Black show or film you love. Watching positive or fun images of Black people will help you remember that it’s not always like this every moment of every day. Listen to your favorite Black artists or the many tunes Black people have created to get us through these times.

It’s hard right now for all of us, but it’s important that we take care of ourselves. Protect your heart. Protect your space. Do you what you need to do get to where you want to be emotionally. We have a long road ahead of us.

Shanice Brim is a 25 year old New Yorker by way of Alabama, New Jersey and California. She’s an avid reader, Beyoncé enthusiast and fan of the film Clueless.

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