Our campaigns fundraise to support social justice movements and amplify their missions.
No Arena in Chinatown
Shop NowA beneift collection to support and raise funds for Chinatown residents opposing the proposed arena development in their community.
Gender Liberation Movement
SupportThe Gender Liberation Movement is an emergent and innovative grassroots, volunteer-run national collective focused on direct action, media, and policy interventions.
Save the Tanner House
SupportA beneift tee to preserve and raise funds for The Tanner House, an historical landmark in North Central Philadelphia.
The Abolition School
SupportThe W.E.B. Du Bois Movement School for Abolition & Reconstruction is a political education program for aspiring revolutionaries and movement leaders from communities most impacted by poverty, policing, and mass incarceration.
Free Palestine!
Support"Free Palestine!" is a benefit collection in support of Palestinian liberation.
Homies Helping Homies
SupportHomies Helping Homies (HHH) is a collective mutual aid initiative with the goal of improving the quality of life of the communities they serve in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Philadelphia and beyond.
Commune Diverge Shift Connect
SupportPhiladelphia Printworks is honored to distribute 🌟 Commune Diverge Shift Connect: Press Press’s Organizational Handbook 🌟